You know what I'd like? <- now with content (Destiny)
I posted on the Cody exit thread - how amazingly nice the guns were, the beautiful art style - and I was thinking about the amazing Tiger engine that made all the beautiful stuff possible. I was thinking - what a pity that was all wasted being used in a game like Destiny...
Remember ODST?
A small, elite, team took the existing Halo 3 engine, tweaked it slightly and made a side quest with a fraction of the studio's resources.
They had an existing engine that they understood thoroughly. They had lots of existing resources: models, sounds, uhhh-a-third-thing. So they had a huge leg up and could knock out a very good game with a small(ish) set of resources.
Imagine taking all the cool Destiny assets and making a different game, a small game, a traditional campaign based game that used all those assets but didn't have an ounce of player investment in it.
You pay your (60?) dollars. You get a game that you play, hopefully you have fun, and when you are finished you stop playing it. You don't upgrade anything, you don't earn anything except the money it took to buy the game (or your Mom bought it for you ;-)
I don't know if it should be set in the Destiny universe - that has such negative baggage for me - and it's not just the emotional baggage from grind. There are separate aspects of the Destiny world that I just don't like - things unrelated to grind.
They could ask internally for people to pitch ideas for a game or they could open it up for external developers to pitch ideas. I'm not saying that they take on entire studios and give them the engine. They just get the creative ideas people and let them work with Bungie staffers to create a game.
They could create a "Tale of the Golden Age" series (you didn't need to grind in those days; that's why they were golden) You could highlight parts of the lore that haven't been seen or do something completely off the wall that is just good in it's own right.