
Should have held off for two weeks... *IMG* (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 18:27 (3504 days ago) @ Korny

Huh, could have sworn that there were games where one of us ran away with the lead, but I must have confused those with the games that I played with Speedracer and Xenos right before.

Yeah, when me you and Xenos were playing we had very few matches where we all performed equally well. I was probably the most bi-polar of the group but there were definitely some matches where I had 10-15 kills to lead the team (usually when my sniper rifle was functioning) and others where I had only one or two the entire match.

Speaking of which, don't forget that those assists go a long way, and as Speedracer can attest, most of my kills involve final blows on enemies that my teammates have already set at death's door.

We (at least I) don't call him "Kill-Stealin-Korny" for nothin!

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