
Fun guns that suck (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 22:34 (3504 days ago) @ Funkmon

I have an Unwilling Soul (high RoF AR) which I re-rolled with Focused Fire, Extended Mag, and some stability perk (I forget which one at the moment). It's still not the best AR, but with Extended Mag it has 80-something rounds per magazine, and that takes a while to empty with Focused Fire. Plus the giant drum mag just looks cool sticking out of the bottom.

Dragon's Breath. I maintain that this is actually a good launcher, but of course it's not Gjallarhorn so everyone hates it. Sigh.

Also, it is my opinion that UR does not suck. It does have major limitations in terms of effective range, but that's only an issue if you're not playing a sunsinger. And for comparison, here is the list of other primary weapons which are capable of doing as much damage as UR in a quick burst:


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