looks like something Dead Orbit would want to flee in (Destiny)

by scarab @, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 04:50 (3503 days ago) @ Kermit

So glad you posted this because I was going to. This stuff is great. Some that I like follow.

Love these shots of Gjally. Never noticed the leather straps on the barrel before.

With belt buckles. Are they there in-game? There are a few variations on the different pages - some more beat up than others.

I want this gun:

It looks like the gun palette is being mixed up - more variety. Destiny has the best looking guns IMO.

This reminds me of the Marathon Terminals.

It has a Halo 3 vibe for me; it's like something on Orbital or the factory where we fight the Scarabs on Mongeese or somewhere in New Mombassa.

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