
Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it? (Destiny)

by ProbablyLast, Friday, July 31, 2015, 12:30 (3406 days ago) @ Avateur

Likes: Destiny. Mostly the raids, but I just really, really like the way the game plays. Strikes with random stipulations is always fun, my favorite was a melee only run I did with Funk on Devil's Lair. That poor random had to think we were idiots.

Dislikes: The current endgame content. I just don't like the set up of prison of writers and Trials doesn't appeal to be because I'm awful at any form of competitive multiplayer. I have high hopes for the next raid.

Favorite console of all time is probably the N64 with the 360 being close behind it solely due to how much I loved the controller.

Pie. Sweet Potato, to be exact.

I read everyone's posts and I enjoy most of them. I didn't even really have a problem with the giant Cody thread, was an entertaining read.

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