
So you want more sniper ammo: tests and perk guide. Long. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 18:48 (3502 days ago) @ stabbim

Right. All else being equal.

But, you need to weigh that extra round with intellect/discipline/strength, and whatever the primary perk is. Auto rifle + Special, I'm good most of the time, because my fave hand cannons, auto rifles, scouts, and pulses have field scout.

But, on special void burn days, Word of Crota's going on there, and I'm going to go for hand cannon ammo first, everything else second. Same for crappy chest rolls, where if I were to go with special+hand cannon or something I'd have 427 strength.

Most of the time I don't care though, and go with special ammo. You're right.

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