
Informed speculation about the lore of the traveler (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 21:56 (3502 days ago) @ Vortech

I saw this post yesterday, but didn't have time to listen. I finally did (and looked up the reddit thread they were talking about).

I have to say, I like the theory quite a bit. The Traveler being a Dyson Sphere is a pretty intriguing idea to me. The imagery of the Traveler over the City is amazing; the Traveler provides our last safe haven. And within it may be the ultimate safe haven.

Also brings to mind the whole Traveler/Fallen issue. Is that why the Traveler is here? To find species it deems worthy to join it and live within? Is there a sort of Forerunner thing going on, where the Traveler is basically the Ark, collecting species to be reseeded once the Darkness has passed (if the Darkness can even be stopped or go away or whatever).

By the way, I've never listened to Guardian Radio before (and didn't listen to the rest of this episode yet), do they usually talk about stuff like that? I may have to go back and start listening to them. I've been toying with the idea of trying to find a good Destiny podcast (C'mon, Bungie, start putting out more of those!); maybe this is the one.

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