
Pardon me, would you care for some ASSISTance? (Destiny)

by nico, Saturday, August 01, 2015, 12:23 (3501 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

I've been thinking exactly the same thing, and am a little concerned that Thorn, delicious Thorn, has instilled some very lazy habits!

I never saved a TYDK and even dismantled my Lord High Fixer, foolish!

I do like my 1.0 Timur's Lashes, and am still playing around with rerolls. I have a "bursty" roll (random bullet does damage, send it (not field scout, for small mag), and faster reload when empty.

I have another one that has Aiming weapon increases range / Field Scout / Kills add extra damage, but that may be better for PvE.

Still learning about this Aim Assistance business -- is it noticeable?

What would be some rolls to look for in PvP in your option?

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