Thanks for the help with Skolas! (DBO)
Funkmon, Chewbaccawacca, Destroyoboy, Yapok, and especially someotherguy, who endured two Skolas sessions with me this past weekend. You guys are a very patient bunch.
I know the fight very well now. If only I could learn to aim.
I am now triumphant on two platforms. Feels good.
Those numbers don't add up.
Who'd you swap out in the PS4 run?
Thanks for the help with Skolas!
I am now triumphant on two platforms. Feels good.
Congratulations! And welcome to the club! ;-)
Good! Now you can help me!
I hit 34 finally, so I can take a shot at Skolas at some point.
But not until after I finally do Hard Mode VoG.
Those numbers don't add up.
Me + Destroyo on Saturday, Me + Yapok on Sunday. 8 hours total, but we got there.
Special thanks to Destroyo who actually gave up his Sunday slot so Kermit could have another attempt.
That's community, right there!
Now, I'm not saying Destroyo needs a "help me through Skolas" event, but he sure sounds deserving!
That's community, right there!
Now, I'm not saying Destroyo needs a "help me through Skolas" event, but he sure sounds deserving!
It was indeed awesome of Destroyoboy to give up his slot, but know I wouldn't have considered taking it if he had not already completed it before.
I was really worried that lightswitch might turn up as the modifier for the next number of weeks.