
One of my funnest & better games ever. (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Tuesday, August 04, 2015, 13:59 (3497 days ago)

Last night while running a little Iron Banner w/ Kermit I had one of my best games ever. I just gotta boast a little because I feel like a middle of the pack player. :)


Medals of note:
3 x Gutted (kill 3 enemies in a single Arc Blade charge)
6 x Double Kill
1 x Triple Kill
3 x Merciless (5 kill streak)
1x Relentless (10 kill sterak)

Kermit got a couple Unsung Heroes, a Merciless, & finished off the game with a Nail in the Coffin.

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