
Spoilers? *Edits* (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, August 05, 2015, 11:32 (3496 days ago) @ bluerunner
edited by cheapLEY, Wednesday, August 05, 2015, 11:38

Not really probably, but neat tidbit on the subclass quests:

Even older subclasses…have dedicated quest lins that explain their use and place with the world.

Subclass quests: The Titan’s quest will have you interacting with a rogue mercenary clan of Titans, who can teach you the ability to harness the power of the sun. The Hunter’s quest will lead him or her to track down a solitary nomad who has gone missing – and who holds the key to unlocking the power of Void energy. Finally, the Warlock will tap into the power of the storm through a shamanistic ritual with Ikora Rey

Also, this is neat:

No longer have to wear class items to gain reputation. Instead you “pledge allegiance” to gain rep for a faction, one at a time. Turn in unwanted materials for reputation.

No longer will I be forced to wear fugly ass Future War Cult items!

Edit: I should have read the whole thing before posting, I keep seeing awesome shit!

An Exotic gained through multi-step search quest on the Dreadnaught; pieces are hidden all over.

Sounds like it could be really fun to do, hopefully it doesn't just turn into "look up where the pieces are on the internet" and involves some cool puzzles or something.

All Exotic unique namesake perks are immediately unlocked.

Okay, that's just awesome.

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