
IDEAS (Destiny)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Friday, August 07, 2015, 12:29 (3494 days ago) @ Mid7night

I'm guessing any old kill by a teamate won't work, b/c you have to do damage to get the assist.

Couple of Ideas:

Load the HoW Skolas mission. Have one person take the grav lift and go all the way to the end. Another person goes to the Ishtar Cliffs and waits for a pack of wolves.

Load up the Taniks strike, do the same. one person goes into the ship, one stays on moon doing packs of wolves.

Vault of Glass. Do skolas mission. have someone sparrow glitch into the vault, go all the way down to the templar's well, while rest of fire team takes on Skolas (this may not work b/c there isn't a kill bounty associated with it, and you wouldn't be dealing damage to skolas).

VOG. Go to templars well, while others kill packs of wolves in endless steps, ishtar clifs, etc.

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