
I had a dream last night. (Destiny)

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 15:52 (3232 days ago)

About a Vex-themed exotic Void Rocket Launcher called The Causality Protocol. It didn't operate like other RLs, instead you'd fire your first "rocket" at a location on the map. This rocket (that looked like a void version of the Scorch Cannon spear) would be your Anchor. If you were clever, you'd fire it at a wall somewhere over a bottomless pit.

After you placed your Anchor you'd use the remaining rockets in the magazine to tether enemies. Each direct hit would do a little damage, but more importantly when you released the trigger (like causing the explosions with the Scorch Cannon) it would activate a teleport that would send your tethered target out to wherever you placed your Anchor.

As a straight up Rocket Launcher, it was significantly under-powered compared to Ghaalalalal and Truth. But the teleport mechanic would allow for insta-killing of most targets and strategic repositioning of bosses.

Anyway, it was a cool dream and I had fun playing with it.

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