
Nope. They continued well past 5 playing clash. (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 20:45 (3489 days ago) @ Korny

Also Beorn's kamikaze rocket inside the enemy bubble. That was gold.

That was so gold that the other team messaged me after the match with a “LOL.” :) I wish I had it on record…

For everyone else who didn’t see it, the other team had four Defender Titans. They were losing pretty soundly so they decided to start chaining bubbles off of each other. They had 2-3 overlapping bubbles up and were shotgunning/meleeing everything that came inside. It was actually somewhat effective and their score was kind of improving because our teammates weren’t playing so smart… Anyway, heavies dropped and I floated my rocket launcher into the bubble and rocketed the ground. Instant Breaker/Splash Damage/suicide. It was glorious.

Speaking of stats... ;)

I know, right? :)

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