
Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 15:26 (3489 days ago)

Weren't even trying, and SuperKingJay had never run the raid before. Inerbarel had no mic.


I think there's hope for Kermit yet!


Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 15:51 (3489 days ago) @ CyberKN

Good lord, your backpacks are huge. Very impressive.


Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 16:38 (3489 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Good lord, your backpacks are huge. Very impressive.



Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 16:42 (3489 days ago) @ CyberKN

Weren't even trying, and SuperKingJay had never run the raid before. Inerbarel had no mic.


I think there's hope for Kermit yet!

I've actually been thinking that it would be fun to do another Flawless run, maybe with a few folks who still need Flawless Raider. If anyone is interested, I'd certainly be up for helping out!

Also, what the heck was with our Fireteam... were all of their "Super" buttons broken? lol

I need flawless

by marmot 1333 @, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 16:48 (3489 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Once my wifi problems get resolved...


Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 16:56 (3489 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I've actually been thinking that it would be fun to do another Flawless run, maybe with a few folks who still need Flawless Raider. If anyone is interested, I'd certainly be up for helping out!

If anyone needs help w/ Flawless Raider I'd be happy to lend a hand.


Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 16:59 (3489 days ago) @ CyberKN

The only way I see myself getting flawless is if I get five people who are better than I am to practice it with me every night for an indefinite period of time--probably weeks. That's kind of how the original group did it, and I think it would take a while to develop "safe" strategies within a close-knit group.

Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms

by marmot 1333 @, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 17:04 (3489 days ago) @ Kermit

If you had a group of six level 34's doing either a 26 VoG or a 30 Crota, I'm sure you could do it without needing to practice for weeks.


Cruel and I almost went flawless with group of randoms

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 17:05 (3489 days ago) @ marmot 1333

If you had a group of six level 34's doing either a 26 VoG or a 30 Crota, I'm sure you could do it without needing to practice for weeks.

I would have to do Crota because I'm far more scared of failing the jumping puzzle than I am of falling into one of the holes.


Crota is the safest bet, by far

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 17:12 (3489 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

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Crota is the safest bet, by far

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 18:07 (3489 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

One difference: I'd enjoy playing VoG every night for weeks. Crota, less so I think.


Crota is the safest bet, by far

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 18:20 (3489 days ago) @ Kermit

One difference: I'd enjoy playing VoG every night for weeks. Crota, less so I think.

I prefer VoG, too :) But when it comes to Flawless Raider, I would recommend Crota. It took us over a month to go flawless in VoG, playing several times per week. We nailed Crota in 3 nights over a week or so.

VoG has several encounters where 1 slight slip can spell disaster for the entire team. Crota only has 1 such section (the Abyss) and it is right at the beginning, so it isn't as heartbreaking when something goes wrong. It sucks to make it all the way to the jumping puzzle only to hear "guardian down".

Crota also has several segments where a couple experienced players can do most of the heavy lifting while the rest of the fireteam plays it safe. Once you are through the Abyss, the worst is behind you.


Abyss & Crota are probably the most prone.

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 18:24 (3489 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Falling into the abyss & making it through it were probably the #1 cause of us failing. Crota's not much of a problem, as long as he doesn't decide to pull some funny business.


Crota is the safest bet, by far

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 19:02 (3489 days ago) @ Kermit

One difference: I'd enjoy playing VoG every night for weeks. Crota, less so I think.

VoG was harder, in terms of actual difficulty, and mentally. You've go the conflux session which isn't that difficult, but is just long. It's a lot of 'waiting' where you can't really do anything to move it forward but let the timers run out. Crota has none of that.


Good points, all.

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 19:14 (3489 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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Abyss & Crota are probably the most prone.

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 04:15 (3488 days ago) @ dogcow

Someone Breaking their ankle as we dropped down into the pool room would be a close second.


Dangerous Drops...

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, August 13, 2015, 14:03 (3488 days ago) @ Vortech

It's not like I have a history of dying on short drops that shouldn't kill...


Makes me laugh every time :)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 14:34 (3488 days ago) @ dogcow

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by marmot 1333 @, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 14:42 (3488 days ago) @ dogcow

How does that even make sense?



by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, August 13, 2015, 16:03 (3488 days ago) @ marmot 1333

Yeah, you should have seen my death on our Crota Flawless Raider attempt where you drop into that pool after the Thrallway. Did you know you can die from that drop? Yeah, you totally can if you hit the rim of the pool.


me too!

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 21:27 (3488 days ago) @ dogcow

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