
Crota is the safest bet, by far (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 18:20 (3489 days ago) @ Kermit

One difference: I'd enjoy playing VoG every night for weeks. Crota, less so I think.

I prefer VoG, too :) But when it comes to Flawless Raider, I would recommend Crota. It took us over a month to go flawless in VoG, playing several times per week. We nailed Crota in 3 nights over a week or so.

VoG has several encounters where 1 slight slip can spell disaster for the entire team. Crota only has 1 such section (the Abyss) and it is right at the beginning, so it isn't as heartbreaking when something goes wrong. It sucks to make it all the way to the jumping puzzle only to hear "guardian down".

Crota also has several segments where a couple experienced players can do most of the heavy lifting while the rest of the fireteam plays it safe. Once you are through the Abyss, the worst is behind you.

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