
Crucible fun [videos] (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 09:50 (3488 days ago)

Just wanted to share a couple videos I recorded last night.

First, this nice little move worked like a charm against an incoming Golden Gun:

Next up is a full Clash match; it ended up being such an exciting game that I saved a clip of the entire thing. My team was struggling; not down by much, but never able to pull ahead.

Then, about half way through the match, I managed to really turn on the jets. I finished the game with over 3500 points and a 5.6 K/D. We were able to turn the tide and pull ahead for the win. My top teammate and I together had more points than our other 4 teammates combined.

Exciting game, from start to finish. Felt great to squeak ahead for the win :)


I'm also working on a new Trials of Osiris video. It's a variation of my multi-view video, with some significant changes. Wouldn't it be great if you could actually choose which perspective to follow from moment to moment? Yeah... that would be great ;)

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