
Restrictions for bad internet connection? (Destiny)

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 23:16 (3471 days ago) @ iconicbanana

"If your Internet connection is consistently unstable, you may not be considered a worthy adversary. It may happen that you’ll be temporarily restricted from Crucible activities until your Internet connection improves. We only make these types of Restrictions in the most extreme cases, so don't be concerned about the periodic Internet lag that is common to everyone. "


Seriously though, make your game always-online and then punish peeps in Alaska? C'mon now, that's cold.

I think the text I bold-faced answers your concern. There's no mention of exclusion from Patrols, Strikes, and Raids, just the Crucible... and lag will kill online PVP whether the game is always-online or not.

-- Steve's seen enough Crucible rubber-banding to launch Shaxx into the Sun, so he's kinda glad this will be implemented to be honest.

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