
Tevis Thompson on Destiny (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, August 14, 2015, 12:04 (3332 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I'm going to ignore the Destiny review for just a moment, because I got lost on his site (I agree with quite a bit of what he says on various subjects, but not everything).

I do have to say: his Bioshock Infinite review is spot on. I do not understand what anyone saw in that game. It was pretty, that's about it. The shooting mechanics were god awful, it wasn't fun, and you could do anything in the pretty world. What the hell? How was this game so well received? For the record, I though the original BioShock was the same. It just plain wasn't fun to play; the story wasn't interesting enough to drag me through it all. They mystery of what the hell Rapture is wasn't enough to make me play. It never gave me a reason to give a shit.

Different strokes and all that, I know, but I just don't see it at all.

I will say, this guy makes some good points, but . . . does he not just play games for fun? He seems to be a big supporter of 'games as art' if they would only just live up to that moniker, but what ever happened to just playing for fun? Not every movie is Citizen Kane, but they don't get lambasted for it. Some movies are just popcorn flicks, and that's fine. Some games are like that too. Just because you think games have something to prove, have some standard they need to live up to gain a real acceptance as art, doesn't mean that has to be true. I like mindlessly killing things sometimes, I don't always need or want some deep experience.

On his Destiny bit . . . I don't really have much to say about it right now. Other than, who says it doesn't respect the players' time? Maybe he feels like it doesn't respect his. It sure respected mine. I've had fun nearly every single minute I've played it, so that doesn't seem disrespectful to me.

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