
Control Stats Infosplosion. (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Saturday, August 15, 2015, 01:50 (3486 days ago)

Lots of new control stats. Some are hidden because they are simply data collection points. Also the charts are hidden because they aren't working properly. I didn't take the time to set them back up with all the new data.

****reminder SHEET IS SET TO EDIT, so please be careful****
This allows y'all to sort without the errors.

Fun Facts:

My only claim to fame is having the fewest deaths per game of a DBOer in control (less than 8:)

JChapman has 3 of the most amazing stats, Highest score in an individual game 10440, Most kills in a single game at 55, and best kill spree at a whopping 54?!?! Where was the video for that game?

Xbox players tend to play the long range slow paced game vs PS4's up close rush. PS4's have shorter lives, but score more points per game and per minute despite having nearly identical K/D's.

Sigbias Silva is a beast, he averages 7 more kills per game than deaths. Korny was second at 6.5. Korny comes in second a few times on this sheet. :)

Speaking of Korny's 2nd's, RRR, Power Index, Kill/G, High Score in a game, score/game, score/minute, and tied 1st in Kills/minute. Tied for first is basically second right?

DPW (Dread Pirate Wes) is the old man of Control. He lives longer than anyone else, being the only person over 70 seconds on average. Can someone get this guy an AARP card?

If you want to win, Destroyoboy is your guy. He has the highest win % at 60.9%.

Finally, my man Squid brought the trophy home with the top RRR. But he's not one to brag about it, he's also a very friendly guy, just check his support index (highest there too).

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