
Tales from the Lighthouse - Aug 17 *Videos* (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, August 17, 2015, 12:54 (3484 days ago)

Another week, another little batch of Trials of Osiris highlights!

Went in on Saturday night with Cyber and TheeChaos. I had an off night, but it didn't really matter: Cyber and Chaos were unstoppable. We steamrolled straight through our first 7 games, going straight to the lighthouse without even using our mercy buff. I was really hoping for an Arc Summoner, so naturally Cyber got one (;p).

I'm not sure why I had such a tough time. I felt like I was just getting warmed up during our last couple matches. Could be that I've gotten used to playing 1 or 2 practice cards before going through with a Flawless ticket. I was missing shots that I would usually hit, and I was often late to the party (by the time I got into position, Cyber and Chaos had already killed everything). I've been using my Hunter a lot lately, and switching to my Warlock this week definitely left me feeling a bit sluggish.

The only team that gave us serious trouble was during our 2nd match: they were more aggressive than most opponents: starting from the inside spawn, they sent 1 or 2 guardians down the center lane while the 3rd would rotate and try to catch us in a cross fire. We lost the first 3 rounds before we figured out how to handle them.

This next clip was a fun match with some chaotic moments. Highlights include me scoring a clutch double kill while Chaos shotguns me in the side of the head, and Chaos being blinded by an enemy purifier-self res, but blade dancing his way through the entire team anyway to secure the win.

Finally, here's our last win of the night. A few good examples here of how NOT to use self-res, including an enemy resing straight into my Nova Bomb for the nail in the coffin.

My difficulties aside, we were all surprised by how easliy we made it through. Could be we just got lucky and were matched up against 7 easy teams in a row. But I've never been that lucky on a Saturday night before... in Destiny, I mean... ugh, who am I kidding. Cyber was wondering if some of the best Trials players are moving on or playing less, since they've all been to the lighthouse so many times by now. Could be? I'd love to do another run tonight or next week and see how it goes.

How about anyone else? Any fun Trials adventures this weekend? I heard we had at least 1 first-time trip to the Lighthouse :)

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