Beat Skolas; Moments of Triumph complete (Destiny)

by marmot 1333 @, Monday, August 17, 2015, 17:33 (3483 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I binged on Destiny a good bit this weekend:

Nightfall x3; Saturday Raid (VoG Hard) with Kermit & Friends; Sunday morning newbie Raid (VoG Normal); Skolas x1; PoE 34 x3; PoE 32 x2; weekly heroic x2.

This makes me twitch a little, from the withdrawal symptoms. This was the first week in a really long time I wasn't even able to log in, much less play.

I had been away from Destiny off and on for a few weeks (months?) now. My weekend binge was directly related to these past few weeks of craziness in my life. I was exhausted from lots of stuff (new job, moving, overbooking myself socially, etc). So this weekend I basically just vegged out and played Destiny.

I feel surprisingly refreshed today at work, haha.

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