
This bit makes me a little sad (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 22:18 (3480 days ago) @ Earendil

"Now that my nameplate displays my Light and Level, where can I strut my Grimoire score?
It will be displayed under your Level when your Guardian is inspected"

I rather like my Grimoire score. It was sort of a way to tell how well rounded and/or how much of an enthusiast a player actually was. I didn't give people respect for the level, I doubt I will for their light level, but I always did for Grimoire...

Yeah, I was a little surprised by that change. I think the potential issue with Level and Light being displayed is that eventually, everyone will have the same Level and Light. It was nice that Grimoire scores were so varied even among equally-leveled players.

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