
Close, but not quite (Destiny)

by Durandal, Monday, August 24, 2015, 15:13 (3476 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I think the similarities are just coincidental. The Servitors are supposed to contain all the Fallen's technical knowledge. They know how to make the weapons, gear and ships needed. When the storm came, the servitors were the only way to preserve the Fallen's technical capabilities.

During the long travel from their home system those technical skills became limited to the machines as the fallen suffered cultural decay. From Varik's comments the House of Judgement used to provide that legal and ethical oversight, but no more. Without that, the Fallen became pirates, scavengers and worse, earning the title of "fallen". They believe that the "great machine" can save them again but they never considered asking humans for help, never explaining why they needed it. Instead they ravaged the human survivors and then tried to take the Traveler by force. Variks knows they have failed, and sees his ingratiating himself with the humans and Awoken as a last ditch attempt to save his race via diplomacy, yet he still has to keep the rest of the fallen from being wiped out, and he has to keep some of their trust.

I think he will play off the most aggressive fallen by sending them to face guardians and be killed. That is why he inquires about your ship, where it is and if you will be leaving soon.
That gains him favor from the pirates for giving "tips", and eliminates potential rivals. This is the same game he plays with Petra.

If successful he will be the last leader standing and hopefully have access to the traveler for all his ... "help".

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