
Gameinformer Article on the Story of Destiny (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Monday, August 24, 2015, 23:25 (3476 days ago) @ narcogen

Gameinformer has dropped a very story heavy article on Destiny. They say that the info is from the game story, grimoire and conversations with Bungie. They also say that all the info has been approved by Bungie as canon...

All of it? Even the speculation, fan theories, and apparent errors?

No, not all of it. At the very end of the first page they say:

We’ve made a point to fact-check our entire story directly with Bungie prior to publication; as such, we hope this can be an accurate and authoritative glimpse into the existing narrative. Anything not confirmed by Bungie is clearly described as such in the text.

and they thank Bungie again for sitting down with them at the end, and some things are marked as not confirmed, so I assume everything that isn't has been confirmed.
Were there things not marked out as theory that are inaccurate?

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