
Dr. B's 360-to-Xbone Upgrade, Destiny Purchasing Guide. (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 13:48 (3475 days ago)
edited by iconicbanana, Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 13:53

You’ve dropped the glimmer on a shiny new xbox one, and now it’s time to drop in on Venus in 1080p. Just one problem: you don’t own the game for your new console. What’s a girl to do?
You have numerous options in purchasing Destiny. Let’s try to go through the big ones.

You own all the DLC for 360*, you want to buy a physical copy, and you need it right now:

This one is a little complicated. If you already own the DLC for 360*, you’re in luck: you should still be able to get them for free through the xbox live store, after you link your account to the new xbox. You won’t be able to acquire the Vanilla Destiny game via download, but that’s okay: you don’t want a digital download, you want the physical copy. It’s conveniently just under $20 on Amazon right now. Get it there, then pick up TTK via download on the xbox live store when it releases.

*(If you don't own the DLC, you'll need to pick that up too, and it'll cost you $40 in digital download fees. The next purchasing option is for you).

Total Cost for the Game: ~$19.49 for Vanilla (new, shipping not included); $39.99 for TTK (~$60 total)

You want to buy a physical copy, and you don’t mind waiting to play until TTK releases (or you don't own the DLC):

You want the Legendary Edition. This is by far the most convenient option: one purchase, all DLC included. The only downside here is that you can’t play it until it ships in September. If you haven’t purchased your console, you may want to wait and trade up when this new edition actually releases.

Total Cost for the Game: $59.99

You want to buy a digital copy:

This one’s kind of a bitch. There isn’t a way to download Vanilla Destiny on its own anymore via the xbox live store; as a result, you can’t get it free if you did the conversion purchase back when it was still being offered. Since the DLC can’t be accessed without Vanilla, you’re going to be stuck repurchasing Vanilla. You actually can’t even find the digital on Amazon for Xbox one; the only digital option currently available to you is bundled in the Digital Collector’s edition. (The Digital Vanilla isn't even available on Amazon for xbox consoles; just Playstations. At full release prices).

If you don’t want to deal with a disc, this is your only option digitally. The good news is you can play it now, and if you're really looking for a silver lining, the total cost of all the content at its release was about $140.

Total Cost for the Game: $79.99

If you recently purchased, please fact check me! If you think I got something wrong, please comment below! If you’re a PS4 snood who wants to extol your console’s virtues, please do so elsewhere, that’s not helpful to this discussion!

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