
Why would I even do this strike? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 21:28 (3475 days ago) @ Monochron

Story wise, why would we stop the Cabal from blowing up the ship?! Wouldn't that make killing Oryx that much easier? I say let them destroy the core and give me a vacation.

I would assume they are going to detonate it near something important or detonating it causes some sort of nastiness to be flung into the galaxy.

Kind of like how blowing up Halo would have just spread the flood out even more? Because you know, if blowing it up would kill them all, then the Halos only had to be built to self destruct to protect the galaxy.

#plothole #haloisnotcanon


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