
Dinklebot preservation archive underway (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 22:08 (3475 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I've begun recording all of Dinklage's lines in the game for posterity. Most are mixed center, so a lot of them will be very very clean. I need to know if I have potentially missed anything:

1. Story Missions and cutscenes
2. Strikes
3. Patrol mode intro, and mission acceptance / completion

Is there anything else or anywhere else he'd talk?

Those would be the modes where the Ghost talks, yeah. The thing that'll be interesting is getting everything from patrols. The first time you do a patrol (possibly every time until you actually activate a beacon) there's a unique line after the generic patrol intro line about Guardians planting beacons and how we can use them to help the City. Other than that, there are at least three different patrol intro lines, several lines that can play when you complete a beacon mission, a few public event "hey pay attention" lines for when they start, some lines for when you accept a public event, maybe some for when you succeed, lines for when you fail, and a few that can pop up while the event is in progress, which I think only happen for warsat events.

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