
Thorn, Check. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Thursday, August 27, 2015, 12:38 (3473 days ago)

I finally completed the Thorn bounty! And I never want to use the gun. I used to like hand cannons when I started playing destiny but I started liking other guns more. Taking a hand cannon in crucible is suicide for me, which is probably also why I don't do so well with snipers :-)

I started with Atheons Epilogue which was fun. But I moved to the crota hand cannon because I thought it would be easier to get kills. Which it was. But boy did I hate doing it. Most people have said that doing the Thorn bounty makes you play more cautious, but I found that when you are a titan, who sucks hand cannons and snipers, you are left with shotguns, fusion rifles, sticky grenades and Heavies. None of these really play to a cautious play style.

Overall it was a good experience. But I'm still not going to use Thorn. But the completionist in me is satisfied.

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