This makes me sad. (Destiny)

by TeejayF, Sunny California, Friday, August 28, 2015, 12:16 (3472 days ago)


This makes me sad.

by cheapLEY @, Friday, August 28, 2015, 12:27 (3472 days ago) @ TeejayF

Yeah, it sucks. But also expected. People do shit like that all the time. (Sold out Brand New or Modest Mouse shows are the worst. Brand New played like three shows a few years ago, and they sold out immediately. Tickets were going for 500 bucks, and they were originally like 30 or 40).


Because Jesse Lacey just keeps getting more interesting

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Friday, August 28, 2015, 12:47 (3472 days ago) @ cheapLEY

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Wanna buy my original pressing of Your Favorite Weapon?

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Friday, August 28, 2015, 13:19 (3472 days ago) @ kidtsunami

sweet and delicious vinyl.... you know you want to.


Don't look at the Fallout 4 Pip Boy editions then

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Friday, August 28, 2015, 13:22 (3472 days ago) @ TeejayF

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Wanna buy my original pressing of Your Favorite Weapon?

by cheapLEY @, Friday, August 28, 2015, 13:30 (3472 days ago) @ unoudid

Heh, if I wasn't broke, I'd love to. I did get the reissue when that happened a few years ago. Deja is the only vinyl I'm missing.


This makes me sad.

by Funkmon @, Friday, August 28, 2015, 13:49 (3472 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I have seen Brand New a couple times. I just walked up and got tickets at the box office. Seeing Paul McCartney on the other hand...that was harder. It sucks that people are buying up the stuff when it is cheap.

Now here is the nutjob opinion. I like price gouging and expensive reselling. Great stuff. It ensures the people who want the product most can get it by adding a barrier to stockpilers. Now, this is a slightly different situation from price gouging in a disaster (which is a beautiful and simple solution to a difficult problem, IMO), but only slightly. The big selling point of the collector's edition is so it can be sold, and then resold, to collectors. I'm sincerely glad people are reselling this product. There are some people who wanted it who couldn't get it when it was for sale. The resellers may have contributed to the supplies running out, but they also, by raising the price to one that the market will bear when it lacks supply and has demand, preserve the availability of the item for fans who showed up late to the party.


This makes me sad.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, August 28, 2015, 14:21 (3472 days ago) @ Funkmon

It is only a problem because there was a limited supply. If Bungie had made more this wouldn't be an issue. It wouldn't matter if you were late to the party; you'd just buy it from stock. People are delusional if they think that a video game collectors edition is going to be worth significant money in their lifetime, if ever.


Bungie doesn't control distribution/publication of editions.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, August 28, 2015, 14:23 (3472 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It is only a problem because there was a limited supply. If Bungie had made more this wouldn't be an issue. It wouldn't matter if you were late to the party; you'd just buy it from stock. People are delusional if they think that a video game collectors edition is going to be worth significant money in their lifetime, if ever.

This one is an Activision decision.


It also isn't new.

by ProbablyLast, Friday, August 28, 2015, 14:31 (3472 days ago) @ iconicbanana

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You'd be surprised.

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Friday, August 28, 2015, 14:42 (3472 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Collector's are willing to pay stupid amounts for sealed mint condition versions of their most beloved games. I've seen sealed halo consoles sell for 4x + their original price.

There is a huge collector market for older sealed games.


This makes me sad.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, August 28, 2015, 14:56 (3472 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Counterpoint: I love my Halsey Journal and think the Reach collectors edition I bought to get it was one of my best video game purchases of all time. I love my Ghost I got with Destiny and in the last week have had a blast showing him off around to the Destiny players at work. And I'm highly anticipating owning a physical Strange Coin and a book annotated by Cayde-6. I get avoiding paying more for digital items that will go away when you move on from a game, but don't think it's fair to label those of us who like physical extras as delusional... :/

I do agree the ultra limited nature of collectors editions is getting a bit silly these days. I had to really scramble to get the TTK collectors edition. It sold out in one day! I'd rather have a collectors edition be available to all fans who want to celebrate a favorite game instead of it being an artificially limited status symbol for some of the fans who managed to move quickly enough...


My Grandfather collected antique glass toothpick holders...

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, August 28, 2015, 14:57 (3472 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Seriously. It's actually a thing.

He had a room in his house dedicated to displaying his collection. He took photos of them, traveled to the annual toothpick holder collector's convention (I'm not making this up), the whole deal.

We used to tease him about it to no end.

After he passed away, my Grandmother sold them all off; roughly 100 pieces. She got almost $2 million for them. O_o


You Know Why That Is, Right?

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, August 28, 2015, 15:36 (3472 days ago) @ TeejayF

Other humans like Brand New?

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, August 28, 2015, 15:49 (3472 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I thought it was just me


The Degausser Hog

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Friday, August 28, 2015, 16:00 (3472 days ago) @ someotherguy

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Other humans like Brand New?

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, August 28, 2015, 16:02 (3472 days ago) @ someotherguy


You're right

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, August 28, 2015, 16:12 (3472 days ago) @ iconicbanana

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My Grandfather collected antique glass toothpick holders...

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, August 28, 2015, 16:14 (3472 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Seriously. It's actually a thing.

He had a room in his house dedicated to displaying his collection. He took photos of them, traveled to the annual toothpick holder collector's convention (I'm not making this up), the whole deal.

We used to tease him about it to no end.

After he passed away, my Grandmother sold them all off; roughly 100 pieces. She got almost $2 million for them. O_o

If I'm doing my math right, someday you'll be rich enough to just play Destiny all day and not have to worry about not sleeping.


This makes me sad.

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, August 28, 2015, 18:33 (3472 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Counterpoint: I love my Halsey Journal and think the Reach collectors edition I bought to get it was one of my best video game purchases of all time. I love my Ghost I got with Destiny and in the last week have had a blast showing him off around to the Destiny players at work. And I'm highly anticipating owning a physical Strange Coin and a book annotated by Cayde-6. I get avoiding paying more for digital items that will go away when you move on from a game, but don't think it's fair to label those of us who like physical extras as delusional... :/

He didn't say people who buy them are delusional, he said people who think they'll be worth a significant amount of money are delusional.

I do agree the ultra limited nature of collectors editions is getting a bit silly these days. I had to really scramble to get the TTK collectors edition. It sold out in one day! I'd rather have a collectors edition be available to all fans who want to celebrate a favorite game instead of it being an artificially limited status symbol for some of the fans who managed to move quickly enough...

They're still an artificially limited status symbol though, and instead of just being dependent on time they're dependent on either time or a large-ish amount of money to spend.


This makes me sad.

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, August 28, 2015, 19:43 (3472 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I was going to go see them a few months ago. Tickets ended up being sold out MONTHS in advance, for a small venue in Des Moines. I just didn't anticipate that many people even remembering who Brand New was.

Consolation prize: I DID manage to see Neutral Milk Hotel that same weekend, which is the gig equivalent of Cody's Hawkmoon.


This makes me sad.

by cheapLEY @, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 03:21 (3472 days ago) @ stabbim

It initially surprised me too, until I thought about it. They're not selling out large arenas, mostly moderate sized venues.

Also, the last major tour they went on was to support Daisy in 2009, maybe into early 2010. So folks haven't seen them play in a good while. Compound this with a known very obsessive fan base, and the fact that BN basically just drops off the face of the planet after dropping an album, avoids interviews and publicity, etc.

Then add to it that their most recent small tour was the ten year Deja tour, which is many folks' favorite record. It's a perfect recipe for sold out shows. But they have taken a pretty decent stance on the whole affair, limiting ticket purchases so one person can't just buy a load of them for reselling, and even going as far as doing ticket buy backs to rerelease them at regular price.

In the words of Jesse Pinkman

by Bondie90, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 06:22 (3472 days ago) @ Funkmon

Science bitch! - Jesse Pinkman

no wait...

Economics bitch!


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