
This makes me sad. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Friday, August 28, 2015, 13:49 (3472 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I have seen Brand New a couple times. I just walked up and got tickets at the box office. Seeing Paul McCartney on the other hand...that was harder. It sucks that people are buying up the stuff when it is cheap.

Now here is the nutjob opinion. I like price gouging and expensive reselling. Great stuff. It ensures the people who want the product most can get it by adding a barrier to stockpilers. Now, this is a slightly different situation from price gouging in a disaster (which is a beautiful and simple solution to a difficult problem, IMO), but only slightly. The big selling point of the collector's edition is so it can be sold, and then resold, to collectors. I'm sincerely glad people are reselling this product. There are some people who wanted it who couldn't get it when it was for sale. The resellers may have contributed to the supplies running out, but they also, by raising the price to one that the market will bear when it lacks supply and has demand, preserve the availability of the item for fans who showed up late to the party.

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