Introduction and 1st forum post (Destiny)

by Bondie90, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 06:10 (3472 days ago)

Hi everyone,

I've recently come out of school seclusion, and am wanting to get back into Destiny :) It's been a while since I've gotten on, but I got the dark below expansion and have been coming to terms with changes in the upgrade systems etc. This game has been progressing a lot!

My friend Breitzen (not sure how tight knit the forum participants are, but this is my attempt at name dropping :) ) has been telling me about this sweet DBO community. So I created an account because it looks like a fun place to get into destiny!

I'll probably be needing help at some point soon, because I want to experience the new raid and perhaps other high level content. I'm excited about the forum area for finding fireteam members. See you around!


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