Introduction and 1st forum post (Destiny)

by Bondie90, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 06:10 (3472 days ago)

Hi everyone,

I've recently come out of school seclusion, and am wanting to get back into Destiny :) It's been a while since I've gotten on, but I got the dark below expansion and have been coming to terms with changes in the upgrade systems etc. This game has been progressing a lot!

My friend Breitzen (not sure how tight knit the forum participants are, but this is my attempt at name dropping :) ) has been telling me about this sweet DBO community. So I created an account because it looks like a fun place to get into destiny!

I'll probably be needing help at some point soon, because I want to experience the new raid and perhaps other high level content. I'm excited about the forum area for finding fireteam members. See you around!



Introduction and 1st forum post

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 06:24 (3472 days ago) @ Bondie90

Welcome welcome! Brietzen is a pretty cool dude, good choice on name-drop! As for a place to find fireteam members, you won't find any better elsewhere! Again, welcome to the forum; I look forward to playing with you some time!


Introduction and 1st forum post

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 11:30 (3471 days ago) @ Bondie90

Hi everyone,

I've recently come out of school seclusion, and am wanting to get back into Destiny :) It's been a while since I've gotten on, but I got the dark below expansion and have been coming to terms with changes in the upgrade systems etc. This game has been progressing a lot!

My friend Breitzen (not sure how tight knit the forum participants are, but this is my attempt at name dropping :) ) has been telling me about this sweet DBO community. So I created an account because it looks like a fun place to get into destiny!

I'll probably be needing help at some point soon, because I want to experience the new raid and perhaps other high level content. I'm excited about the forum area for finding fireteam members. See you around!


Howdy! You were guided to the right place. I'm Red Robber on XB1 and I'm usually up 4 anything, but I really like crucible. This is a great place to make new friends, and participate in lively discussions about all things Bungie and Destiny. Breitzen may have mentioned it, but don't forget we have an awesome Fireteam Builder on the right of the forum page. If you ever have a specific thing you want to do put it up and you'll find battlebuds in no time.

See you starside.


FTB TIP: give event at least a few days in advance.

by Funkmon @, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 11:37 (3471 days ago) @ red robber

- No text -



by Robot Chickens, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 14:21 (3471 days ago) @ Funkmon

Also, if you see me on and need a last second teammate, shoot me a message. I'm mostly on the 360, but I've been know to switch to the One from time to time.

GT: Robot Chickens



by cheapLEY @, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 03:39 (3471 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

Also, if you see me on and need a last second teammate, shoot me a message. I'm mostly on the 360, but I've been know to switch to the One from time to time.

GT: Robot Chickens

Just out of curiosity: why? If you have both, why wouldn't you play on the One? Is it a matter of friends not upgrading yet? I just . . . I honestly cannot imagine using my 360 to play a game that I have for the One.



by Robot Chickens, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 04:25 (3471 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Also, if you see me on and need a last second teammate, shoot me a message. I'm mostly on the 360, but I've been know to switch to the One from time to time.

GT: Robot Chickens

Just out of curiosity: why? If you have both, why wouldn't you play on the One? Is it a matter of friends not upgrading yet? I just . . . I honestly cannot imagine using my 360 to play a game that I have for the One.

Good question, and you guessed the answer.

My wife and I like to play together and we only have one XBONE, so that limits it. Secondly, because we started playing together on the 360, we developed a lot of friendships with the people on the 360. Our chief value out of the game has been playing with people we enjoy (don't get me wrong-shooting things is fun in Destiny, but shooting things with people you know is better). As such, we value friends over graphics and performance.



by cheapLEY @, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 13:39 (3470 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

Good question, and you guessed the answer.

My wife and I like to play together and we only have one XBONE, so that limits it. Secondly, because we started playing together on the 360, we developed a lot of friendships with the people on the 360. Our chief value out of the game has been playing with people we enjoy (don't get me wrong-shooting things is fun in Destiny, but shooting things with people you know is better). As such, we value friends over graphics and performance.

No, that makes total sense. I'd probably do the exact same thing. Playing alone is fun, playing with people is even better. I've never actually played the 360 or PS3 versions, so I'm not sure how big of a difference it is, but I imagine its still a gorgeous game that plays great, so it's probably not really that much of a "loss" playing on 360.



by Funkmon @, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 15:26 (3470 days ago) @ cheapLEY

My 360 has had problems lately, so I can't get on and play with my friends there that often anymore, and it is too bad.

BUT the difference is actually huge in a quality of life thing. Load times are 10 seconds for menus. Every time you press start, it's like loading a local news site on a 28.8k modem. You sit. You wait. You die. You revive. Menu loads. You still can do everything you want, you just need to plan ahead your gun changes, like passing people on the freeway with a slow car. In terms of graphics, it's the same, just low resolution, which you don't notice after 3 minutes anyway.



by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 18:16 (3470 days ago) @ Funkmon

Menus are slower, but the difference for me isn't nearly as much as Funkmon described.


I wonder how much worse it will get with TTK

by kornman00, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 19:14 (3470 days ago) @ Kermit

Not only the menu load times, but the lame ass load time that sits behind the Press A to Start screen. Why do games continue to have such bullshit? It makes booting the game that much more involved when it doesn't need to be. Consider me clicking the game on the dashboard as wanting to start!

Must be a conspiracy to not make us want to turn off destiny


by TheeChaos @, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 13:09 (3471 days ago) @ Bondie90

Glad to have some new faces around. I am on PS4 primarily, but may be lurking on XB1 from time to time. I also am usually down for anything but prefer crucible.

Welcome to the club!


Introduction and 1st forum post

by Dame117 @, Missouri, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 23:46 (3471 days ago) @ Bondie90

Welcome! :)


Introduction and 1st forum post

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 03:55 (3471 days ago) @ Bondie90

Howdy. Due to RL being busy I'm not on Destiny much right now, but add stabbim on XBL and I'll play if I'm on. Hopefully in the next few weeks things will get back to normal-ish and I'll be online pretty frequently.



by breitzen @, Kansas, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 12:04 (3470 days ago) @ Bondie90


I'm really gonna enjoy playing more Destiny with you!

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