
Not stupid at all (Destiny)

by Dame117 @, Missouri, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 15:55 (3468 days ago) @ Morpheus

Bodyguardians--High level Guardians that will escort low level Guardians and protect them from Wolf Bosses and Packs.

Destiny is the perfect environment for that sort of thing and I think the community would respond well to it as I already see many Guardians out there looking out for the lower level "kinderGuardians". I've been on both sides of it myself: being the one doing the helping, and also being the low-level who was being protected by higher level "BodyGuardians" :)

There may be trolls out and about too, but I like to think Destiny gamers are doing more good than harm out there.

BodyGuardians unite! :)

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