Patch is 09/08/2015 - TTK content unlocks 09/15/2015 (Destiny)

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 16:24 (3468 days ago) @ CyberKN

The patch will contain all the changes. It should be a big file. if past history is any indication all game mechanic changes and non-dlc-only content will be in play and unlocked. This should include all the weapon balance changes, general tower changes and changes to playlists and events in the patrol spaces. TTK content will be unlocked a week later--either it will just turn on or there will be another small-tiny patch at release time.

I wonder if the Fallen Wolf patrols will go away this time. In the past, new Patrol events disappeared with the next dlc (i.e. blades of crota) but the wolf patrols all have bounties associated with them which might mean Bungie may keep them this time.

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