
Class/Faction Alignments? (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 17:38 (3468 days ago)

Up until this point, I've been gaining Dead Orbit reputation on all three characters (in search of shaders). With the release of The Taken King, I'm considering having each character declare allegiance to a different faction. Eventually they'll each gain a set of faction gear, and I'll get package weapons from all three factions that can be shared. The question in my mind is this - which faction is best aligned with the skills of each character class?

Dead Orbit: Discipline/Strength
Future War Cult: Intellect/Discipline
New Monarchy: Intellect/Strength

Is anyone else thinking the same thing, and what alignments do you think fit? At the moment I'm leaning:
Dead Orbit on my warlock (must have grenades aplenty and I'll take life steal/flame shield over a faster super)
Future War Cult on my Titan (also must have grenades, and I'll take bubbles and fists over a faster crappy melee)
New Monarchy on my Hunter (must have invisibility and gunslinger, and I'll take more invisibility over faster grenades)

Or am I nuts, and I should ignore the factions and put a hodgepodge of faction gear on every character?


Class/Faction Alignments?

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 17:43 (3468 days ago) @ Chappy

It seems a sensible arrangement?

Personally, I just used Vanguard/Crucible/Raid gear for everything, except my Titan, who I ranked Dead Orbit with a bit.


Class/Faction Alignments?

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 18:47 (3468 days ago) @ Chappy

Hunters and Strength don't make a lot of sense. Backstab is the only melee capable of a one hit kill for a hunter. I think Hunters are best suited for Future War Cult. Warlock melees are so much more powerful that having a high strength rating for them makes sense.


Class/Faction Alignments?

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 18:54 (3468 days ago) @ BeardFade

Hunters and Strength don't make a lot of sense.

But... but... Throwing Knives.

Gonna have to disagree with you there...

by Dan de Board @, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 19:15 (3468 days ago) @ BeardFade

Strength should actually be one of the main stats that Hunters spec into IMO, at least for PVP.

Since Gunslinger Hunters have Gunfighter, they really don't need to spec into Intellect unless they want really fast Golden Guns. I've found that Gunslingers are all about their tools, having access to lots of grenades and throwing knives by specing into Disc/Strength helps with that. Double throwing knife (triple with those new gloves in TTK) and stacked in Strength with Scavenger means throwing knives for days.

With no skill equivalent to Gunfighter for Bladedancers, Bladedancers should spec into Intellect and Strength. Fast Twitch and high Strength means that you have a negligible cooldown on your Blink Strike, giving a Hunter Warlock-range melee attacks all the time.

But I hate throwing knives

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 19:21 (3468 days ago) @ Dan de Board

I can't even count how many times I've failed a melee kill because I've thrown a knife instead, despite being at melee range (or vice versa). And if you run Fast Twitch Strength is totally redundant. The difference between Min and Max Strength is like 2 seconds or something insanely low.



by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 20:44 (3468 days ago) @ someotherguy

Throwing a knife when you expect to stab is the worst.


That's why I carry two :^)

by kornman00, Wednesday, September 02, 2015, 05:05 (3468 days ago) @ BeardFade

Although I have died plenty of times from muscle memory thinking I had that second on handy.

Anyway, I align my Hunter with DO just because it's my favorite class and I wanted the dark shaders (finally caught 'em all a few weeks ago). Due to Destiny's light system in year 1 I never really cared for what faction gear I had. Only their perks and Max light level

Warlock is FWC and Titan is NM, because reasons. Red seemed to go with a badass Titan and blue with my robot warlock.


Go for maximum flexability

by Durandal, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 22:15 (3468 days ago) @ Chappy

I have all faction gear unlocked for my main, and my two alts have two of the three. It wasn't very hard to do, but I think both my alts are only level two with Shaxx :)


Class/Faction Alignments?

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Wednesday, September 02, 2015, 05:04 (3468 days ago) @ Chappy

That is exactly the faction assignment I have been using with my 3 charectors.


Class/Faction Alignments?

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Wednesday, September 02, 2015, 12:22 (3467 days ago) @ Chappy

Or am I nuts, and I should ignore the factions and put a hodgepodge of faction gear on every character?

I'm personally a fan of hodgepodge. I mainly run a hunter in PvP that reps Dead Orbit. I want max intellect and discipline. I want boots that have carry extra heavy ammo, and if I can get some gloves that give me primary reload (hand cannon or pulse rifle currently) then I am a happy person. I spec for max intellect because I want to use Deadeye over Gunfighter. I also like using keyhole and over the horizon for incredible long range golden gun shots.

I rep Dead Orbit because I want the shaders. I just wish the gear had default intellect built in.

It really comes down to if you are willing to sacrifice key additions to your loadout in favor of repping a specific faction. The good thing about RNG is that you can get dead orbit gear with intellect to drop.

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