My first time running the sword (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, September 04, 2015, 16:31 (3465 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Things were not going to plan. It was the first few weeks after Crota first reared his ugly head, and my fireteam had been sent down into the pit to deal with him. We'd passed the Lanterns, suffering a few casualties along the way but confident nonetheless. The bridge was ahead of us. A vast expanse of nothing guarded by an Ancient order of Knights. Trivial. Ir Yut was put to rest before she could utter a word. Despite our earlier losses, we were confident as we summoned him.

Our Swordsman was a veteran. His timing impeccable, he swung his stolen sword into Crota's hide once, twice, three times, four. And again. And again. Ogres slain, Crota was done for. Two more swings would sever his connection to this underworld plane and banish him for all eternity.

And then tradgedy struck.

Wedged between a wall of Thrall and one of Crota's generals, our swordsman knew his end was nigh. His rifle empty, he primed a grenade and ensured he took his foe with him. We quickly dispatched the Oversoul, but we knew - without our Swordsman we would surely fail in our mission.

"Someone grab the bloody sword", came a disembodied cry. Our fearless leader, still supporting us from beyond the veil.

I was already there, delusions of grandeur filling my head. Maybe I would save the day. But Crota had already started to move, shooting across from the right to end our existence.

"Tell me when", I called as Machine Gun fire chattered into life around me.

"Tell me when. Tell me when"

Our timing was off. Crota was already kneeling when the signal came.

Five voices cried in unison - "Go!"

I leapt across the gap, but in my panic had come up short. I swung the sword with all my might, and the momentum closed the distance. In a flash I was upon him. Vengeance for my friends who had died in the pit. Vengeance for the Guardians who failed to stop him on the moon. Vengeance for Eris and her fireteam. Vengeance for our Swordsman.

With a rumble, Crota was gone. I had done the impossible. I had slain a god.

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