
Good Podcasts *Mostly Off Topic* (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, September 07, 2015, 00:30 (3205 days ago) @ Leviathan

I have a really hard time listening to podcasts. I bet if I had a smartphone and a commute I might actually have a prime situation to really get into them. As it stands now, when I try and do art on the computer and listen to a podcast.... nothing else happens. I just have to sit and listen. And then two hours go by and I haven't accomplished any work. :/

Yeah, I can't really multitask when listening to them. I don't have much of a commute either. I've found that listening when I lay down in bed for the night is the best time. Listening to a thirty minute podcast fits perfect into my nightly routine there (I always listen to music when I lay down, or read a book for a bit, or something).

But that does occasionally lead to spending extra time listening to the next episode or a longer podcast and staying up later than desired, but not often enough to make it awful.

I've also listened to a lot of WTF with Maron lately which is often funny, but, again, not always a good one to work to as you can get wrapped up in it. It's an acquired taste (I didn't 'get' Maron until I watched his show on Netflix) but they're some of the most down-to-earth, human interviews I've heard, and most of the time due to the nature of the interviewees, they're really inspiring for me. Anytime he talks to a comedian, an actor, artist, or anything like that, there's usually a stage in the walkthrough of their life where they get to their twenties and can't get work, feel like they've failed, are never going to make it, and feel all around shitty. Trying to make a career out of art myself, it's really motivating and comforting to hear others talk about the same kinds of doubts and fears that are in front of me everyday I wake up.

That sounds like an interesting one, I will have to check it out. Sounds like it could be something great. I've always enjoyed interview type shows, but it's tough to find ones that connect in any real or meaningful way.

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