He says
"I’m excited for the next generation of games. Not just the horsepower, but the services both parties [Sony and Microsoft] are building around it. When we went down and looked at what our pillars for Destiny would be -- which, by the way, have existed since 2009 -- and then looked at their pillars in candid conversations we were having with Sony before their reveal in February, they’re almost like a mirror with each other. Shared stories, building your legend, living worlds that feel alive instead of a disc in a drive, spaces that are fundamentally cooperative. All those things line up so well with next-gen messaging. It was exciting for us to see that something we were building was not only fundamentally next-gen without the hardware, but we sort of became the de facto tip-of-the-spear for next-gen by nature of what we were building. I think that’s a really fun place to be..."
I have no doubt that Destiny will be awesome regardless of what system it is played on. But Bungie's wooing of the Playstation community, and their comments about the PS4, like urk's, or Jason's "it's a great piece of gear..." leave me more excited for the PS4 than the XBO. We'll see what E3 has in store, but what do all of you think? Has any of this made you more or less excited about either of the next-gen consoles?
I need more specifics, but it's exciting.
Let's just say I'm pretty sure I'll own more than one copy of Destiny, but the question is when.

IGN quote from urk
by Grizzlei
, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Sunday, June 02, 2013, 12:03 (4299 days ago) @ Kermit
Let's just say I'm pretty sure I'll own more than one copy of Destiny, but the question is when.
Me too. Bungie's monumental cross-platform effort deserves more than a measly $60 from my wallet.

IGN quote from urk
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Sunday, June 02, 2013, 12:33 (4299 days ago) @ Mr Daax
I have no doubt that Destiny will be awesome regardless of what system it is played on. But Bungie's wooing of the Playstation community, and their comments about the PS4, like urk's, or Jason's "it's a great piece of gear..." leave me more excited for the PS4 than the XBO. We'll see what E3 has in store, but what do all of you think? Has any of this made you more or less excited about either of the next-gen consoles?
Honestly I think the majority of that is just Microsoft's and Sony's doings. Sony has been very open and inviting to Bungie, while Microsoft seems to have ignored Bungie. Bungie was invited to both the PS4 announcement and now the Sony E3 Press Conference while Microsoft has not invited Bungie to either event and hasn't even said Bungie or Destiny under their breath. Part of this I'm sure is Microsoft mostly trying to show off exclusive content, but then why did they use Call of Duty: Ghosts as their "big game" at the reveal? We'll see if they at least mention Destiny at E3, but I think Microsoft isn't worried about the publicity they would get from Bungie, so they're letting it slide.
Personally, I like XBox Live, so unless something major changes about the service, or we find out something (confirmedly) horrific about the console, I'll probably get an XBox One. To put it a better way: I'll be excited/disappointed when we find out the confirmed details for both consoles.
(Just so you know I'm not just making up the stuff about Sony and Microsoft in regards to Bungie: source)

IGN quote from urk
by Blackt1g3r , Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Monday, June 03, 2013, 08:18 (4299 days ago) @ Xenos
I bet that being invited to the PS4 event probably meant that MS didn't want to invite Bungie to the Xbox event. If for no other reason than they don't want to look like they are just following Sony. :)

IGN quote from urk
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Monday, June 03, 2013, 10:41 (4298 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r
I bet that being invited to the PS4 event probably meant that MS didn't want to invite Bungie to the Xbox event. If for no other reason than they don't want to look like they are just following Sony. :)
Anyone else notice the new version of the Law of the Jungle trailer on XBL completely scrubbed of Sony references. Would have liked to have been a fly on the wall during that negotiation.

IGN quote from urk
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, June 03, 2013, 10:45 (4298 days ago) @ Kermit
I bet that being invited to the PS4 event probably meant that MS didn't want to invite Bungie to the Xbox event. If for no other reason than they don't want to look like they are just following Sony. :)
Anyone else notice the new version of the Law of the Jungle trailer on XBL completely scrubbed of Sony references. Would have liked to have been a fly on the wall during that negotiation.
Heh, I had similar thoughts.
I bet that being invited to the PS4 event probably meant that MS didn't want to invite Bungie to the Xbox event. If for no other reason than they don't want to look like they are just following Sony. :)
Anyone else notice the new version of the Law of the Jungle trailer on XBL completely scrubbed of Sony references. Would have liked to have been a fly on the wall during that negotiation.
Heh, I had similar thoughts.
I wonder though, if Sony was involved the negotiations would be difficult, otherwise I bet it was just Microsoft saying "Hey can you remove the Sony part?" and Activision going "Yeah sure."
I don't think it has as much to do with Bungie as it does with Activision and their deals with Sony and MS. They are after all the publishers of Destiny and probably in charge of most of the marketing, and seeing as they already have CoD on Xbox, why not get the best of both worlds and promote Destiny on the PS? That way they have their two big franchises on two different platforms, in terms of what they will be associated with by the average consumer. People like us who follow Bungie and Destiny rather closely know that Destiny will be awesome on which ever platform we chose to play it on, but the average consumer or average gamer are going to more closely relate Destiny to the Playstation the way they do CoD to the Xbox.
There is also the fact that they need to work a bit harder to bring in the Playstation audience, who do not necessarily know a lot about Bungie and how awesome they are, whilst they already have a big following on the Xbox. It's like if Naughty Dog separated from Sony and made a multiplatform title, they would probably market it more heavily towards the Xbox audience who would not be as familiar with them. (On a side note, man I want to play The Last of Us!)
Thirdly like you said is that MS want to show off exclusive content, and bringing in Bungie who was their golden boy in years past would send some weird mixed signals about the state of their own studios! It is one thing to show off CoD, which is an established franchise that has had Xbox exclusives for a while now, Destiny is brand new and doesn't have the same punch yet.

IGN quote from urk
by narcogen
, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, June 03, 2013, 20:17 (4298 days ago) @ Mr Daax
I have no doubt that Destiny will be awesome regardless of what system it is played on. But Bungie's wooing of the Playstation community, and their comments about the PS4, like urk's, or Jason's "it's a great piece of gear..." leave me more excited for the PS4 than the XBO. We'll see what E3 has in store, but what do all of you think? Has any of this made you more or less excited about either of the next-gen consoles?
I think I'd still prefer to see the game on PCs and Macs now that Bungie is completely independent, but at this moment, if I was forced to choose a next-gen console, I might well be leaning towards the PS4. MS has so far badly handled the announcement of the Xbox One with regard to those who primarily want a console for gaming. What MS is trying to do with the console is understandable and justifiable given their business model, but I already have hardware and software that handles my entertainment needs more than adequately, and I don't need, don't want, and can't use a replacement CATV box that uses HDMI passthrough.
That said, w/r/t Destiny specifically:
I feel strongly that MS acquiescing to spinning Bungie off as an independent company was placing a bet on the Halo franchise's future, and against the success of any new Bungie property succeeding on the same level. Bungie had trouble getting a second team to work on new IPs while under Microsoft's umbrella, and I honestly believe that if MS had felt that Bungie had another hit in them, they would have allowed them to do it, rather than contracting them to do two more Halo titles in addition to the trilogy (a side story and a prequel) and then forming a whole new in-house studio to do yet another sequel.
There may very well be decision-makers at Microsoft with a stake in seeing 343 Industries' Halo games be placed more prominently, and sell better than Bungie's new property on Microsoft platforms. To push Destiny now might very well be an admission that mistakes were made in handling Bungie as a studio.
Bungie may well not need much help from Microsoft anyway. With their new title now set to launch on at least four different platforms (one each from the last and next generations of MS and Sony hardware) and a sizable fanbase among Microsoft console owners, plus Sony's help in promoting the franchise on their own hardware, Destiny will probably have every chance to be nearly as big if not bigger than Halo was, but with a larger audience to draw on. Even selling half as well as an average Halo game, but on both Sony and MS hardware, would mean total sales on par with Halo, and probably a bigger take for Bungie, as I assume Activision is not taking as much from their publishing deal as MS got for owning the studio.
Initially I had thought that Bungie would even things up with Microsoft by E3; that this has not happened I think says more about what Microsoft wants to do than what Bungie wants to do.

IGN quote from urk
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, June 04, 2013, 21:16 (4297 days ago) @ narcogen
I feel strongly that MS acquiescing to spinning Bungie off as an independent company was placing a bet on the Halo franchise's future, and against the success of any new Bungie property succeeding on the same level.
A bet I'd take actually.
Bungie may well not need much help from Microsoft anyway. With their new title now set to launch on at least four different platforms (one each from the last and next generations of MS and Sony hardware) and a sizable fanbase among Microsoft console owners, plus Sony's help in promoting the franchise on their own hardware, Destiny will probably have every chance to be nearly as big if not bigger than Halo was, but with a larger audience to draw on.
Destiny is a different type of game. It's not going to appeal to the entire Halo and CoD crowd. The audience I think is much smaller. I'm eager to see it at E3 in order to make a better judgement.
Halo will probably remain Bungie's most successful game in terms of both sales and cultural penetration. That's why MS is focusing on Halo.
IGN quote from urk
by Flynn J Taggart, Wednesday, June 05, 2013, 04:09 (4297 days ago) @ Cody Miller
Halo will probably remain Bungie's most successful game in terms of both sales and cultural penetration. That's why MS is focusing on Halo.
Yikes, if Destiny sells less than Halo despite being on 4 consoles, Bungie might be in trouble.

by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Wednesday, June 05, 2013, 08:40 (4297 days ago) @ Cody Miller
That's why MS is focusing on Halo.
I believe you meant to say,
That's why MS is fucking with Halo.
And while it's too early to tell, I certainly hope you're wrong about Destiny being smaller than Halo. Activision clearly believes Destiny will be big, and they're betting with real money.
IGN quote from urk
by Injunfett, Sunday, June 09, 2013, 07:58 (4293 days ago) @ Mr Daax
TBH I think this has more to do with marketing then anything else. Bungie is going multiplatform for this title. PC and Xbox players have all played bungie titles before. Bungie does not really need to go out of there way with the Xbox community compared to Play station we know their games and know them. Play station users have never had a bungie title and while Halo is a big name title think of it like this, as a Xbox player I have heard of Killzone and Uncharted but never got to play any of there games.
If those studios came out with a Xbox game it would take a lot to get me hyped up about buying a game from a studio I have only heard about but never played anything from.
I think no matter which platform you pick destiny up on you will be fine, I just think right now bungie is focused in promoting the PS4 because it's a new crowd they need to win over.