
A plea and a rant (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Tuesday, September 08, 2015, 06:48 (3461 days ago)
edited by General Vagueness, Tuesday, September 08, 2015, 06:52

I'm literally pulling my hair out and I feel like I have to say this. Bungie, please, never again remove chances to get grimoire and please never again make a game require on-line for fucking campaign. I've been having network issues (that I suspect are Destiny's fault because they don't seem to show up other times unless I was just in Destiny) and I've been trying to finish my new character so I can get all of the original campaign one last time and I want to do all the wolves (looks like I only had two left). I have one level left plus the wolves and I'm pretty sure the update is about to hit and it's way too late in the early morning and the fucking network is messing up again and it won't reconnect and it's been infuriating the whole time.
but yes, required on-line for campaign is dumb, I always thought so, now I'm mad enough to say it
I'm surprised I didn't see anyone say anything about taking away chances for grimoire but I didn't really look. Good job on advance notice too, we had what, a week, 10 days? I know that's enough time to actually do them all but some people have tight schedules and some people don't like these things being springed on them.
I'll see you guys when I get my legendary edition.

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