
Naw, that ain't it (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, September 10, 2015, 15:40 (3459 days ago) @ Funkmon
edited by Kahzgul, Thursday, September 10, 2015, 15:43

The 2.0 changes actually make nightfalls harder in terms of gameplay. Also, they didn't seem to be active on this one anyway. We wiped once and went to orbit, for example.

Weird. Did you do it last night or the night before? We ran last night.

The nightfall had very favourable burns, and the weekly it sounds like you played how it might be supposed to be played. We kill all the adds, which are tied to Omnigul's health, and have no danger running around the room to do it. Since there was no burn, Omnigul isn't too much of a concern.

It was definitely different. I got sniped a couple of times and didn't die, my buddy ate an cursed thrall explosion and lived, I guarantee the enemy shots were hitting me far less often. Instead of "pop my head out and get sniped instantly" I was able to do things like hop out, shoot a few times, and hop back to cover without being hit. We even fought Phogoth the way you're supposed to fight him instead of hanging back in the shrieker room and sniping, and it was a little hairy but honestly not bad at all. Phogoth went down FAST.

As for burns, I was using a new, unleveled AR that I got from New Monarchy rep (no burn attached) for the majority of the run.

And with Omnigul we never once cleared all of her adds before getting her health low enough to spawn new ones. I was running in there dodging boomers and wizard bolts and coming out relatively unscathed as long as I kept moving and didn't accidentally get stuck on a wall (which did happen. That ended badly).

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