Lawnmower172's stuff (Destiny)

by Lawnmower172, Monday, September 14, 2015, 16:54 (3455 days ago) @ ChaosSociety

Blaster, the Fallen Destroyer
2 Skolas kills
8140 Icebreaker kills
Top 1% kills for shanks, cursed thrall, and grenades.

Cabal Destroyer, the Stalker
4 Aetheon kills
7936 Icebreaker kills
Top 1% shank and total kills
Top 2% Vex Hydra kills

Vexinator, the Storied Explorer
8 Aetheon kills
7741 Icebreaker kills
Top 1% Phalanx kills
Top 2% Minotaur kills
Top 3% Thrall kills

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