
Note that level does still matter... (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 16:26 (3454 days ago) @ Speedracer513

Thanks for the excellent summary.

I'm aware of what has been said, nothing new to me there. I still think level matters, though I could be wrong -- it could be simply light level. It may be more subtle than the either/or situation we are talking about. I would very much agree that level is less important. But I don't think it is ignorable, even if it simply indicates a default light level. Otherwise why do they still have it as a metric, especially on enemies?

I was sitting around light level 185 when I did this. Now I'm bummed that I didn't die to the guy, because I don't know what his light level was... or what the "standard" light level of a lvl 40 character is roughly. Guess I'll figure that one out here as I go.

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