tl;dr -- engrams. Get lots, highest light level > all, except for primary weapon -- keep the guns you like there. Also don't spend your marks... yet. Only do it if it's a really serious gap you need to fill.
I really like the new system. Remember back in the vanilla destiny days when you had to do strikes over and over and over, and progress was super slow? You'd do a lvl 16 strike and get lvl 14-15 armor pieces, lvl 18 strike for 16-17 pieces, and so on. Yeah, this is that, but more polished. It happens anywhere, so play what you like, don't neglect quests, and you'll be fine.
At 274, I have 2 legendaries equipped. My shiny new scout rifle that was a legendary engram drop during a mission and the class item I bought that I shouldn't have.
Greens apply thru about 225, then blues take over. I thought they stopped around 240 when I had mostly legendary gear, but I was very wrong.
I noticed pretty quickly that on average, turning in 3-4 engrams in a slot would get me about a 10-15 light level increase for that slot. The above is great advice, decrypt and have a look, especially for slots you feel are low.
Originally I thought it would be about faction rewards and such (which definitely helps), but I no longer think that. The faction rewards can get you a boost to get started, but that's all they will do in the short term. If you love a piece of gear, keep it and expect to infuse it with blues. I have a defense 288 pair of blue boots, which was a big upgrade from 272. If I infused some 220-ish boots the 200 would infuse up to around 265 with that. So keep that in mind.
Relics suck, I've only gotten 4 of them other than the quest. They jumped 30 or so light each time I upgraded.