
On shotguns vs. fusion rifles (Destiny)

by Durandal, Tuesday, September 22, 2015, 16:27 (3446 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Now that we have range bands, I'd like to see better tradeoffs between long range and short range shotguns. It seems you are still better off with the long range party crasher/fellwinter combo, and anything else is just substandard.

Instead we should see shorter range shotguns have other benefits, such as a noticeable rate of fire increase, bigger spread or larger mag. It feels like Fellwinter still has the range, rate of fire and clip size advantage all in one and that is why it is still good.

In contrast fusion rifles should have better grouping at range and the charge time is what makes them lose out in close range combat with shotguns.

As for things i would like to see improved:

6 man patrol/casual activities. I can PVP and raid with my friends, but there is nothing PVE to do other then raid, and not everyone can hit that end game content.

More dynamic public events: We can trigger events now, but why can't we get events more customized to the guardians present? Lets add some knight vengeance squads coming for crota sword bearers,fallen trying to get that queenbreaker bow back, or Cabal building an outpost and pushing back guardians trying to do patrols.

Ship/Sparrow customization. We were promised that we would be able to change the look and performance of our gear, but sparrows are pretty much just pallete swaps and ships, other then the two missions where they zip by, are a non factor.

Vehicles: the game has the potential for a full vehicle list. Les get some 3/6 man vehicles and some metal mayhem, even if their use is restricted to a few areas.

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