
I am the prince of all Titans once again. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, September 25, 2015, 16:40 (3443 days ago)

I've been pretty down on my Defender lately. I pretty much won't use her in the Crucible since a Striker or Sunbreaker is almost always a better option with Supers that don't paint a big blue "aim insta-kill here for massive points" targets for the other team. But in PvE things are going good. Really good, in fact. I attribute this to a few things:

1. I'm finally getting my armor back in line. Notably, I've gotten my grenade cool down to 25 seconds.
2. I remembered that Suppression grenades can be awesome. Remember those Taken Captains spamming darkness and death everywhere? No more!
3. I got a Sword. Those suppressed Captains? Most of them seem to be equipped with swords and charge you when they can't spam ranged attacks. Sucks to be them.
4. I remembered that Ward of Dawn's Armor of Light is really really powerful. Combine it with the defense boot of a maxed Legendary Sword and I can outright tank many bosses. I killed the Cabal and Hive champions you can summon at the rear of the Cabal ship up close and personal like without taking any significant health damage. Same for Mr. Darkblade.
5. I got a year two Monte Carlo from an Exotic engram drop. I am all but invincible now as long as there are things I can punch and shoot. Right now I'm running with some year two Ruin Wings I found a few days ago, but I'm hoping to get some No Backup Plans soon to further extend my invincibly.

Now, if Bungie would only grant me some kind of Crucible buff...

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