
Finished! (Destiny)

by LordOwen, Hiroshima, Japan, Saturday, September 26, 2015, 18:12 (3442 days ago) @ LordOwen

Grabbed a random or two off of the /r/fireteams subreddit, ran the strike and made it all the way to Charmander and Blastoise without any problems, but damn, those Psions are a massive pain in the ass without Void weapons. Void heavy too too long, so imagine my delight and surprise when I found my 300-level Arc shotgun still one-shotted the little bastards!

Clear the adds, smack the bosses, two attempts and we're done. Now all I need to do is wait for Tuesday... and on Wednesday, I get to finish my Exotic Solar sword quests. Frying pan -> fire.

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