
What is Art? (Gaming)

by Durandal, Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 17:24 (3142 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Is it something that requires skill? Or evokes emotion?

I mean we have seen the concept art for Destiny, and everyone can agree that it looks beautiful.

Sample concept art

Many of these images have been pretty faithfully rendered into the actual game. Does that change in media lessen them somehow? Reduce them to something less then their creators intended?

Does the interaction of the person playing with the game enhance or reduce these places? How about the fiction surrounding them?

If we can see the art and appeal of a precise, minimalist cup or glass why can't we enjoy the rich tapestry of a AAA title?

Videogames are becoming the cathedrals of our time, now that all ornamentation and displays of pride and status are ruthlessly removed from our actual buildings and replaced with ugly concrete and glass abstract cubes. Each game encourages players to find that particular look or place, to show off something.

Yet it can't be art, because it isn't in a museum where art snobs can go, drink a little and pretend they liked it before it was cool.

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