Mission Complete . . . Never Again. (Destiny)

by TheGhostBrigade, Thursday, October 01, 2015, 08:56 (3437 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Fun glitch: I died right in front of one of the doors before I could drop the relic, so my buddies got to my orb and couldn't revive me because it kept prompting them to pick up the relic, over and over again. My friend who had the other relic couldn't even place his because it kept prompting him to pick the other one up. Wipe.

Then we made it all the way to the end, killed the boss and had literally three or four enemies left, I was the last one alive with no health and no super against a a fully shielded captain and knight with only 8 seconds to go. Got the captains' shields down before the game ended. No black spindle for me..

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