
Exotic Sword quests (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Sunday, October 04, 2015, 20:10 (3434 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So, apparently according to reddit, you can get all three at once by transferring 2 other swords from your alt characters to your main after you beat the crucible portion of the quest for the first time. Shaxx will then give you the next step of the quest for the other two swords. You can conceivably finish all three with one run of the strike.

1. Bypasses hadium flake grinding.
2. Bypasses kill grinding
3. No downside!

That's my plan. Anybody else want to hold out with me until all three swords are ready?

You still have to get the Hadium Flakes (since you don't get the legendary swords until you have them). The only step you really get to skip on the 2nd and 3rd swords is the 25 crucible kills and 50 major kills. Still worth it though.

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